a sexual fantasy
and other political stuff
Staged: Los Angles/New York
General Dwight David Eisenhower, more familiarly called “Ike”, was perhaps the most honored and respected – if not beloved man of the mid 20th century.
In 1952, prominent Republicans called upon General Eisenhower to run for President of United States. His nomination was not a sure bet as there were formidable opponents seeking the same office.
Hours before the nominating process at the Republican National Convention in Chicago, General Eisenhower learns of a shockingly intimate event that is certain to derail any thought of running for public office. While writing his memoirs in the south France, Ike had a brief affair with his young and attractive collaborator. Upon his return to the United States, Ike is stunned to learn that this affair has resulted in a pregnancy.
Our story tells how the powerful deal with revelations of the most basic human emotion, and how those who surround the powerful can alter and subvert that reality to suit their own needs and purposes.
This is a story that was then. Yet it rings just as true today as we witness the sordid expose of the private lives of those we put in power.
Sex and politics, ego and lust, a deadly and inflammatory combine as relevant today as it ever was!