SIEG HEIL! Coarse, hard men in full uniform, black jack boots, leather belts across their chest. Right arms with swastika armbands thrust out as they bark the Nazi cry, SIEG HEIL! Munich? Berlin? No, NEW YORK CITY!
Madison Square Garden – February 20, 1939. Twenty-two thousand strong crowd the Garden to honor and support the ideals and beliefs of Adolph Hitler’s Nazi Germany.
David Alder, a young Jewish law student meets Analiese Braun, the girl of his dreams. She’s blonde, she’s beautiful, she’s German.
The German-American Bund, a Nazi front organization rules Manhattan’s Yorkville neighborhood through coercion and intimidation.
David’s relationship with Analiese threatens the Bund’s Aryan supremacy.
Two lovers tragically strive to exist in a world filled with racist violence and unbridled anger.
New York City, where evil forces flourish under the liberal banner of Democracy.
The calm before the terrible storm. Lives lost or changed forever in what’s soon to become the greatest tragedy of the twentieth century.