It’s a race to see who
can get to her first
They hit the streets and they’re lost. In most cases, the degradation and despair started long before. Young BETH KOOTS’ plunge into the netherworld of the city began with her escape from the savage abuse of her backwater childhood.
But there are also those who seek to comfort rather than exploit, to heal rather than destroy.
SISTERS MARGARET and THERESE discover a brutally beaten Beth among the refuse of a skid row alley. Sister Margaret, a nun as well as a licensed doctor, finds that her patient’s wounds are more than superficial: Beth has become a drug-dependent prostitute determined to end her wretched existence.
What Beth doesn’t count on is a reunion at Margaret’s convent with her step-sister, now a nun, SISTER CAROLINE, for whom Beth’s salvation is more than religious duty. Shocked and grieved and feeling personal guilt, Sister Caroline dedicates herself to her sister’s physical and spiritual regeneration.
The convent permitting…for while Sister Caroline wins the support of the compassionate prioress, MOTHER FRANCES, the stern administrative assistant, SISTER LEONA, reminds the nuns that they must ultimately answer to the diocese for this unusual task they have undertaken.
Then there’s Beth herself, whose emotional torment and drug addiction aren’t the only obstacles to recovery. She has witnessed the fatal stabbing of her best friend JOSIE TAYLOR by a vicious pimp, FRANCO MAYES. Since Beth was afraid to testify, Franco was released due to insufficient evidence. When Deputy District Attorney ERIKA NORTON vows a crusade to put Franco behind bars, Franco must eliminate the sole eye witness to the murder. If he can find her!
Beth finds a sanctuary among the nuns. Through a combination of Sister Caroline’s commitment, Sister Margaret’s wise counsel and the convent’s tranquil atmosphere, she makes remarkable progress. Then Sister Margaret discovers that Beth has one more cross to bear…she’s pregnant. While she has challenged her own addiction, her baby will be drug-dependent and her own life threatened by giving birth. Beth is reluctant to have the baby! Sisters Caroline and Margaret vow to see Beth through her ordeal.
When Sister Leona informs BISHOP KIERNAN, of the possibility of an abortion within the confines of the convent, the very existence of the religious order is jeopardized. Mother Frances refuses to bow to the Bishop’s demands, supporting Sisters Caroline and Margaret’s decision to stand by Beth. Sister Leona, fearing for the convent’s survival, leaks the controversy to the press.
The headline expose reveals Beth’s hiding place to the killer Franco Mayes. Her life is now in danger and the convents survival is in doubt. It’s a race to who can get to her first, the killer or the police!