So, you want to go to college. Great idea! But damn! It’s so expensive.
I don’t think my parents can afford it. Banks? I’d never get a loan. Scholarships? Yeah, if you are lucky, but they won’t cover everything. Student loans OMG! Do you know how much that’s going to cost you? Like, forever. NO WAY! A job? At 10 bucks an hour? I don’t think so. But wait, there is a way. Right on your laptop. Newrelationships.com. It’s hot! Sugar daddies, sugar mommies, they’ll pay for everything. Yeah, I know it’s gotta cost. Nothing’s for free. But hey! This, I can cope with. Know what I mean? So learned Carly Wheaton, a second-year student at Washington and Lee University. When her tuition was overdue, the school showed her the door. Newrelationships.com it worked for her roommate, Amy. Why not for Carly? Yes. A date or two, maybe a fling. Carly would sign on. Yes, nothing is free. But she is soon to learn that the cost of this new nightmare is more than she is willing to pay. Sugar Daddy, Byron Stafford and his cronies’ prey on young girls. A price so high, that it took Interpol to stop their murderous games. Professional sexual predators! A tale too awful to imagine, and yet it’s for real. It’s what’s happening now. The question remains, have you got the stomach to watch this one?