Behind the electronically monitored, security-sealed White House facade, the Presidential residence is an emotional disaster.
Patrick “Pat” and Magda live side by side – separate lives and separate bedrooms.
They smile for the media, but their responses are as shallow as two-dimensional glossy prints and as permanent as their electronic televised images.
The First Lady tries in vain to keep her nighttime escapades a secret, particularly with Trevor Dorsett, a hot tennis import from Australia. Caroline, her closest friend and confidant is the only one to share the intimacy and reality of Magda’s passionate hook-ups. Unbeknownst to Magda, Trevor is no stranger to Caroline’s bedroom.
The President, himself, also no stranger to extra-marital lust, is threatened not by Magda’s adventuresome indiscretions, but rather their proximity to his office and his upcoming reelection campaign.
THE FIRST LADY’S LOVER is a bold example of 21st century morality.