We’ve all had
a moment like this
Once every lifetime, choices turn to pathways that can only lead in one direction. That’s fate. What you will do with fate is your future.
Since his high school graduation, David Kaplan feels like he’s worked every single day of his life. That’s because he has. Paper routes, car washes, baby sitting, shoe shines… anything to help him get money for college – the only thing he knows might give him a way out of Brooklyn, New York 1963. Hot, crowded, working class, not even close to being cool.
But everything’s going just great, until one day. Giant Catastrophe! David learns his parents have used his school savings to bail out his dead beat uncle. His money gone, David’s dreams have now become his chronic nightmare…UNLESS!… David has one short, desperate, summer to pull together tuition for college and reclaim his future!
But he can’t find work, it’s too late, all the good summer jobs are taken. Then his friend Jerry Sanders, helps him scam a position he has absolutely zero qualifications for: a waiter in an upstate resort where Jerry works. The Four Seasons it ain’t. The work is hard, the hours long and the getting fired is easy! But that’s all a very anxious David’s got!
Mix one best friend, a girlfriend, a little betrayal, a mobster, constant grueling work, the woman you want to marry, sex, the owner’s daughter, the owner’s wife, more sex, and a tyrant boss. All of them dancing to pounding, seductive Latin rhythm’s in an enticing mountain resort.
Now turn up the heat and the musical beat for just one summer because it is…
That single space in time after which your life is never the same.
Joel Zwick
“My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, “Fat Albert”
Director of Photography
Jeff Jur
“My Big Fat Greek Wedding”, “Dirty Dancing”, “How Stella Got Her Groove Back”
Mike Fenton / Ann Frederick
“Chinatown”, “Godfather II”, “Shampoo”, “One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest”, “Marathon Man”, “Norma Rae”, “Total Recall”, “Aliens”, “Breaking Away”, “And Justice For All”, “America Graffiti”, “Chaplin”, “Blade Runner”, Honeymoon in Vegas”, “Risky Business”, “Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D”