Animosity!! Recrimination! Revenge! Sexual Tension! And… finally DIVORCE!
Does this sound familiar? It sure does for 52% of all marriages which end in divorce and the 17.2% of married couples who dream of why they EVER GOT MARRIED in the first place!
Everyone is affected by divorce in some way: a personal divorce, being the child of a divorce, watching your best friend suffer through a divorce. What starts with romance and everlasting commitment ends with anger, adultery, custody battles, lawyer fees, etc. Ain’t love grand?
THREE recently divorced, chronologically compatible couples selected by a panel of relationship experts are invited to spend one week in an idyllic tropical resort setting. As a group, they all eat together, play together, confide in each other and compare relationships. Old romances may be rekindled, and old grudges may flame up. New relationships may be formed as an effort to move on, or a spurned ex-wife or husband may take a new partner purely out of spite.
The Humpty Dumpty syndrome, the angry side of marriage, can it be mended? Can six people who once professed love that has now turned sour recapture a moment in their lives to allow them to continue on life’s journey? Is this an opportunity to say what has never been said, witnessed by others who face the same situation? Questions and situations which examine the dark side of life in order to see the light.